
David Richards: A Different Idea on the Meaning of Life

Excellence Reporter: David, what is the meaning of life?

David Richards: This seems like such an easy question to answer, in finding a meaning to life.  It is the stuff quips are made of; “the meaning of life is to live a life of meaning.”

But how? How to find meaning on a planet with so many people, each wrestling to one degree or another with the same question?

Love. Regardless of where we come from. Regardless of our ethnic background or religious beliefs, we find common ground through the emotion of love. The next question then is, what does love have to do with the meaning of life? And if we ask that question, the answer seems to come fairly easily.

Love is what we all share in common. Love, in a shade of something between conditional and unconditional, brought each one of us into the world. Love isn’t just a universal language. It is the universe’s language. It is the sunshine that nourishes the lushness we know as life. It is the exotic blue of deep ocean, and the embarrassingly rich diversity of vegetation and animal life. It is opening a door for someone struggling to open it themselves. It is the kiss from a step-parent to step-child. It is agreeing to disagree, and still love one another.  It is the charming allure of scattered clouds trespassing in front of a full moon. If love is the language of the universe, what meaning might it ask that we prescribe to life?

I suppose it might say, the meaning of life is to find the greatest expression of love you can within yourself, and share it with the world. And maybe, just maybe, if we all did that, the universe would take care of the rest.


~David Richards is a #1 international best-selling author, life coach, yoga instructor and self-development speaker. In his debut best-selling book, Whiskey & Yoga, David shares his wisdom on finding one’s purpose and living intentionally. His recently released novel titled, The Lighthouse Keeper is a story around the power of mindfulness, and will explore the ways individuals can learn to shift their awareness to master their minds.

Copyright ©2020 Excellence Reporter

Categories: Awakening, Yoga

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