Health & Wellness

Micheline Nader: The Meaning of Life and the Dolphin’s Dance

2016_micheline-nader_high-resExcellence Reporter: Micheline, what is the meaning of life?

Micheline Nader: This is the question that we all have wrestled with throughout the ages. It remains unanswerable to many and varies during the different stages of our life. The meaning of life is subjective and personal. While life itself does not require any meaning to exist, every one of us gives it its own sense. We need to ascribe some significance as to why we are here and the purpose of our life.

If you are like me, I asked myself these questions since I remember myself thinking. My mom found me one day hiding under the sofa when I was six years old. When she asked me what I was doing there, I told her I was thinking about life and wondering what I am doing here.

When people talk about their purpose in life it may seem like a grandiose word. In reality, it does not have to be that way. I struggled for many years in my life to find my purpose until I found that my passion and my basic talent are my gateway to my life’s intention. I think that the purpose of my life is to become consciously aware of my true self, connect to my passion and contribute it to others.

For our life to be meaningful, we need to awaken to our true nature, connect with our uniqueness and contribute it to others. When we live this connection, our life takes on a whole new meaning. When I live my purpose and contribute it to others, I become a co-creator of my life. On the other hand, when I don’t contribute my deep unique talent, I feel stifled, festered, bored and demotivated.

It is not always easy to access our deep essence since it is masked by what I call our “false identity,” an identity that has been constructed over a lifetime. In order to discover our true self, we have to consciously bring awareness to our emotions, beliefs, and behavior patterns. This is the key to spiritual freedom and authenticity. It also gives us our sense of purpose beyond our ego structures, beyond our roles.

Awakening to our true self makes us happy, tolerant of others, accepting of our differences and circumstances as they come. We become peaceful and flow with ease and playfulness like the dolphins of the sea. When we discover our purpose through conscious awareness, we start aligning with who we are. We flow at the same rhythm. The waves synch inside and outside of us. We become the singer and the song, and we do not question either.

The meaning of life becomes a cosmic dance of conscious awareness. We move into the flow of that which we are becoming and can constantly adjust our dance to that of the universe until it becomes the dance of the Source.


~Micheline Nader is an award-winning healthcare entrepreneur and expert in the fields of wellness and personal transformation. As a speaker and author of The Dolphin’s Dance: A 5-Step Journey into Conscious Awareness, Micheline shares her successful model for living a more conscious and present life, helping readers find inner peace, happiness, and purpose. Find her at or on Facebook and Twitter.

Copyright © 2016 Excellence Reporter

Categories: Health & Wellness

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