
Michael Brant DeMaria: The Meaning of Life and the Inner Gold

DeMaria Large FluteExcellence Reporter: Dr. DeMaria, what is the meaning of life?

Michael Brant DeMaria: The eternal question…and like all good questions,  leads us on a quest (quest-i-on).

The rational mind ultimately is defeated in the depths of this question. There is an infinite depth to this question and as many answers as there are people who will ask it.

Ultimately, it works on the mind like a Zen koan. As you enter the labyrinth of this question it will turn you around and around, until the logical, analytic, strategic mind relents and lets go. It’s then we drop into the body, heart, and present moment – and it is from this spacious, empty, open field of presence that we find ourselves living the answer. You see the logical mind cannot confer value, that is, tell us what anything means to us – in particular, the value of life itself – only the heart can do that.

My experience tells me that the deep answer to this question is finding what brings each and every individual heart alive. The heart when open brings a deep sense of connection to life, each other and helps us face dissolution, illness and death. It is what lights us up within our hearts – that ultimately cultivates and confirms a sense of purpose, presence and passion in our life.

So – the meaning of life is what brings you most alive, most present…and helps you live and love more fully and completely. It is in that love and connection to life that meaning is discovered like a hidden treasure waiting to be found – individual and unique for each soul – and yet universal in its capacity to confirm meaning and value – the inner gold that lies within your own heart.


~Michael Brant DeMaria PhD, 4-time Grammy® Nominated Artist, integrative psychologist, author, and yoga/meditation teacher.

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